Your Comfort Zone will kill you

Go The Extra Mile – Leave Your Comfort Zone

It is very obvious comfort is a major enemy of success and most of the successful men that ever lived had to leave their comfort zones.
I am not talking about wealth or riches or any other thing here, I mean “COMFORT“.
When I say comfort, there might be many definitions or meanings for it, for some, it might be doing the usual, for some, it might be sleeping, Yeah! I mean it, anything that you can’t sacrifice to make yourself a success is comfort.

You should be able to sacrifice anything to make sure you are successful, name it: your sleep, food, whatever.
The truth is, it is very difficult to sacrifice your comfort zone but you might not be able to go far, you might not be able to achieve success if you don’t sacrifice your comfort.
It might be a little going out of the box. If you do make 10 comments a day before, it is your comfort zone, making 30 comments a day will make you leave your comfort zone and help you achieve things much faster. If you do write 2 guest posts a month, writing 10 is out of the usual, you are stretching yourself to do what you are not used to, you are leaving your comfort zone and it surely has its results.

Many people might not know, but the truth is, taking risks is also part of leaving your comfort zone.

It was this risk Bill gates took when He dropped out of college, and he is what he is today, it was the same risk many other successful people took and they are where they are today.

I know there would be some naysayers whom no matter what, will never agree with me here.
Tell me, how many hours do you sleep per day? 8, 9 e.t.c. What if sacrificing 2 hours of your sleep will help accelerate your success?
We all love the comfort and except you discipline yourself, comfort will not get you so far. You must be able to adjust when need be and also be willing to sacrifice to get yourself more.
We might need to debunk some old theories and go against the norm, I mean: Science believes we are to sleep for a minimum of 7 or 8 hours each day, what if you could make yours 6 and work towards your passion?
That job is like hell, but it is surely comfort, which is why you don’t want to leave it. You never know what might happen ;), but if I may tell you, that job you are afraid to leave, no matter how you hate it, is your comfort zone – which is why you don’t want to leave it.

I know my definitions might be a little bit odd, I might be saying something different from others but the truth is, anything that can determine your life, your future or anything about you, anything you can’t just leave like that – it is your comfort zone.

Image result for comfort zone

Believe me, the truth is, most things we like most are the most dangerous things for us.
You love to drink juices, soft drinks and the likes, have you ever wondered for a while how these things were produced? Leaving them for a while might just give you a better life.
You love comfort, you love to be satisfied, you love to have pleasure: good sleep, watching movies e.t.c. If you are given the chance, you can even be sleeping 20 hours a day. You love to stay idle doing nothing, you love to hang around playing with friends, you love to be praised and are not ready to take them to blame for doing what is right (a little going out of the box).

Others are doing it, right! You know if you don’t then you will be the talk, enemies will emerge and people will hate you, we all don’t love that feeling, it is our comfort zone but we sometimes have to leave it.


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