Top 5 books to read

Top 5 books to read 

1. 'The World is Flat 3.0: The Globalised World in the Twenty-first Century' by Thomas Friedman

Corona Pandemic is a classic example of the spillover effect of globalization; it is an apt scenario to ponder on the basics of globalization through the book, The world is Flat 3.0: The globalized world in the Twenty-first Century. The book, The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, candidly explains the drivers of globalization and the role of technology in the ever-changing trends of the world economy.
It will serve not only as an eye-opener for the students but also as a help-guide which preaches responsible living.
                                   Details about The World Is Flat 3.0 : A Brief History of the ...                     

2. 'Good to Great' by Jim Collins
Covid-19 has challenged humankind and made us realize that just being efficient and good in whatever we do is not sufficient, be it manufacturing or healthcare services as rightly said in the book.
Good to Great by Jim Collins conveys that good is the enemy of great.
            .                         Good To Great:Jim Collins| | Same Day delivery

The author very interestingly talks about the Hedgehog concept-- highlighting not just the role of culture or the discipline of a company or a country in its success but focus on the importance of the culture of discipline of a firm or a country in its success.
3. 'Blue Ocean Strategy' by Renee Mauborgne and W Chan Kim
Highlighting on the niche aspect of any success story a good number of books have been published in the last decade, one which has an elaborate discussion is the Book Blue Ocean Strategy authored by Renee Mauborgne and W Chan Kim.
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell can be one more alternative reading for a lighter and a flowery version on examining those unique or niche factors that contribute to a great success only because something different and something not falling into bandwagon effect.
If you are someone who keeps pondering on the question, "Do we really believe that genius is simply born rather than formed?", then this is the book you need to spend time on.

                                                 Book review: BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY by W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne                                                       
4. 'Thinking Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman
Talking about the cultural and cognitive aspects of the people, companies, institutions, and the Government, we have been noticing varied styles and ways of behavior in terms of containing CoronaVirus. To get to know why we witness different ways of responses to a given scenario then the book Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman, a renowned psychologist and winner of Nobel prize in Economics explains two systems that drive the way we think. A book on a similar line, however, written in a very simple form yet conveying the message very clearly and candid is Nudge. Nudge by Cass Sunstein, and Richard H Thaler focus on improving the decision-making skills about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, which balances with the policymaking perspective as well. Alternatively, Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioural Economics by Nobel Laureate Richard H Thaler, can be read for a lighter and fun-based understanding of behavior aspects of various stakeholders of society in various scenarios.

                                                         Book review: THINKING FAST AND SLOW by Daniel Kahneman
5. 'Jugaad Innovation' by Navi Radjou, Jaideep Prabhu and Simone Ahuja
The start-ups in India are becoming proactively engaged in coming up with alternatives and struggling to figure out how best they could optimally utilize the scarce resources available to face a challenge put up by the recent crisis. A few inspirations and ideas can be surely taken from the book Jugaad Innovation authored by Navi Radjou, Jaideep Prabhu, and Simone Ahuja. The book relentlessly talks about Indian-specific cases of frugal innovation and again and again proving the concept of necessity is the mother of invention.

                                                                       Vishipedia: Book Review - Jugaad Innovation
One of the books recommended cutting through the current tension and traumatic stress of health conditions in the country will also include The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It's a self-help book based on the belief of the law of attraction that would channelize our thoughts towards positivity. --- All these beautifully-penned books are meant to keep you indulged in the ocean of knowledge and get you through the crisis in the wisest of ways. The reads mentioned above will not only help you have an effective management current situation but will also contribute to your skills and personality. 

Happy reading, everybody; it's time to turn the page and scan through these mind-boggling reads!

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